9994 County Farm Rd, Riverside, CA 92503


Adelanto Campus

17960 Adelanto Rd. Adelanto, CA 92301



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We believe that every student with special needs is entitled to a quality education that provides mental, physical, and emotional empowerment. We believe our students have the capacity to learn, contribute and to be a part of a community. Each of our students offer a unique set of abilities, talents and strengths.

Our class room buildings on school campus



Dynamic Hope Schools’ mission is to provide a safe, personalized, and data-driven learning environment for students with special needs, empowering them to develop positive social skills and independent living skills necessary to transition into a less restrictive educational setting or into adulthood after completing high school.

Certified as a nonpublic school by the California Department of Education, Dynamic Hope Schools employs a variety of personnel to oversee and implement educational and behavioral programs in conjunction with local school districts, students, their families, and other social service agencies.

Dynamic Hope places emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach and ongoing collaborative case management based on analysis of academic and behavioral data, and outcome measures.​

We believe that every student has the ability to succeed academically, behaviorally and socially. However, success does not occur in a vacuum and is directly dependent on the efficacy of programs and services provided to each student. Therefore, we have continuous system of evaluating data and overall program effectiveness for each student. 

Our system of program evaluation consists of soliciting feedback from parents/care providers and school districts; analyzing individual/academic and behavior data collected throughout each school day; completing frequent classroom observations; and maintaining student intake/drop data.

Who We Serve


Our students’ academic and behavioral accomplishments are directly related to the development and implementation of personalized programs and services based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA provides insight on how learning takes place, which then allows us to develop techniques for increasing appropriate behaviors while reducing inappropriate behaviors that may interfere with learning.


Dynamic Hope Schools provides services to the following populations of students at our Riverside and Adelanto campuses:


Discover what sets Dynamic Hope Schools apart:

a library filled with lots of books on shelves .

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Dynamic Hope Schools provides robust, research-based strategies dedicated to each of its small, highly structured classroom settings. Teams on each campus develop an individualized education plan (IEP) with instructions that are specifically tailored to meet the needs of each student.​

Emotional Disorders and Disturbances

Dynamic Hope Schools uses the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Model (PBIS) to prepare staff to interact with students with varying levels of social skills - skills which have been determined to be the core of many challenging behaviors for students. We also utilize individual behavior intervention plans, level systems and problem-solving skills training for students with emotional disorders and disturbances.

Behavioral Challenges

Research indicates that students with behavioral challenges require positive behavior intervention and support programs. Dynamic Hope Schools provides this program in conjunction with a highly structured curriculum-based strategy to redirect destructive behavior and develop academic skills.

Developmental Disabilities or Delays

Our data indicates that each student with developmental disabilities or delays benefits greatly when a classroom environment promotes positive reinforcement, functional skill development and vocational assessments, driving our dedication to maintaining a well-trained staff who can incorporate these skill sets into each student’s personalized goals and daily schedule.


Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Dynamic Hope Schools' program philosophy for serving students that are deaf or hard of hearing is to focus on cultural and social diversity and each student's unique needs. Our Team is well versed in American Sign Language (ASL) and can successfully assess, analyze, and reduce the challenges of learning for deaf or hard of hearing students and their families by focusing on providing effective teaching practices and instructional strategies.

Other Special Needs

Dynamic Hope Schools customizes treatments for students facing other academic, behavioral, mental health, or physical challenges. Teams on each campus develop an individualized education plan (IEP) with instructions that are specifically tailored to meet the needs of each student. The IEP planning process at our campuses includes the student (whenever possible), parents and/or care providers, the classroom teacher, school administrator, Local Education Agency representatives, designated instructional staff and case workers (as required).

Dynamic Hope School (DHS) provides educational, mental health, and behavioral services to students with special needs ages 5- 22. These services are provided in a non public school environment. We work towards empowering our students to enhance or develop positive social-emotional skills and independent living skills, so they are able to transition into a less restrictive educational setting or into adulthood after completing high school. Our students receive high school diplomas or certificates of completion. We serve students with special needs that include; Autism, deaf/blind, emotional disturbance, hard of hearing, hearing impaired, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, other health impairment, speech & language impairment and specific learning disabilities. Our curriculum follows Common Core State Standards and are designed to encourage the highest achievement for our K-12 students. We provide an array of services including speech services, occupational therapy, individual, group, and family counseling, nursing services, and behavior intervention services. 

Our staff embrace and believe that every student has the ability to succeed academically, behaviorally and socially; however, success does not occur in a vacuum and is directly dependent on the efficacy of programs and services provided to each student. Therefore, we have a continuous system of evaluating data and overall program effectiveness for each student. DHS places emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach and ongoing collaborative case management based on analysis of academic and behavioral data, and outcome measures. We collaborate with the entire team, both internally and externally to ensure we are meeting the needs of the student(s). We offer a Multi-Tiered System of Supports, which is a framework for serving all students that support the systematic provision of interventions directly related to students’ needs. The needs are determined by consistent monitoring of each student’s unique learning progression. A successful framework supports all students through high-quality and universally designed general education instruction. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our daily program follows the (PBIS) Positive Behavioral Instruction Supports model and is incorporated in everything we do. Our PBIS Rewards program encourages students towards success with their educational and behavioral programs. ï»¿

DHS is certified as a nonpublic school by the California Department of Education.

All Education Specialists are credentialed in special education and our classroom staff have extensive experience and training with specialized education techniques and PBIS supports. They all are intricately involved with the overall success of the student including the student’s IEP’s (Individualized Education Plans), BIP’s (Behavior Intervention Plans). The staff receive continual training to enhance their expertise in areas of behavior, instruction, social skills, PBIS, and safety. Our certified Pro-ACT trainers provide continual training on behavior de-escalation techniques enhancing the skills needed that focus on maintaining students’ dignity and keeping people safe. 

We believe that every special needs student is entitled to a quality education that provides mental, physical, and emotional empowerment. Our students have the capacity to learn, contribute and to be a part of a community. Each of our students offer a unique set of abilities, talents and strengths.

Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.

John Dewey


a logo for dynamic hope schools with a house and a book